Today, more and more people are now getting concerned about their health and their well-being. Because of this, they do exercises, they purchase health insurance policies and they also purchase different kinds of dietary supplements in order to keep themselves healthy. Besides, with the increasing cost of medicine and hospitalization, who wouldn't want to keep themselves healthy$%:
One great dietary supplement that many people today are taking is called colloidal silver. For over a hundred years, silver has been used to treat or disinfect burns and wounds. In fact, your grandfather may have used their silver dollar on their milk to prolong its shelf life in room temperature.
Research has found that silver actually eliminates bacteria and viruses. Because of this, dietary supplements, such as the colloidal silver have been made to ensure a healthy and virus-free body.
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Although silver been criticized for being related to Argyria, a very rare skin disease that causes discoloration, many people today are still using colloidal silver as a dietary supplement. It has been found that only an overdose can cause the disease.
It is recommended by the EPA that only about 300 micrograms of silver should be ingested daily. There are colloidal dietary supplements available that only has 100 micrograms in a teaspoon and is usually the recommended daily dosage.
The way it works mainly depends on the silver. Research has found that if its is placed near fungus, bacterium, virus, and other single-celled pathogen, the properties of it disables its chemical lung or also known as the oxygen-metabolism enzyme. After a few minutes, the single celled pathogen that comes in contact with the colloidal silver dies. The destroyed pathogen is taken out of the body by the immune system.
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Unlike antibiotics, the colloidal silver does not destroy enzymes that are beneficial to the body. The property of colloidal silver leaves enzymes beneficial to the body intact and mainly focuses on viruses and other single-celled life.
Therefore, it is considered safe for consumption of humans. It is recommended that you should purchase the best grade of colloidal silver in the market for maximum effect. The best type of colloidal silver is produced by the electro-colloidal and non-chemical method. This works by colliding the silver particles to water and is bound to each other by an electric current.
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When taking orally, it will be absorbed from the mouth and into the bloodstream. This means that it can be transported quickly into the body cells. Swishing the solution under the tongue before swallowing can result in faster absorption. In about a couple of days, the colloidal silver in your body will begin to benefit you.
It has been found that people who take their daily dosage do not suffer from flu and colds often compared to people who do not take it at all. With the daily intake of the recommended dosage, you could be able to protect your body from single-celled organisms such as viruses, bacteria, and fungus infection. For minor burns, you can also use the silver to disinfect it.
As you can see, colloidal silver can definitely benefit your health. Although there are no approved therapeutic claims, this product is safe for consumption within the recommended dosage. In time, you will see that with a daily recommended dosage of, you will experience a healthier lifestyle.