Some of the most popular supplements in the market especially among bodybuilders and athletes are Creatine supplements. This is because this kind of supplement has been proven to be very effective in helping bodybuilders have bigger muscle mass and in helping athletes perform better. However, the popularity of Creatine supplements has not only led more people to use them but it has also led to the creation of myths of misconceptions about Creatine supplements mainly as a result of a lack of information on them. Given this, it is then very important that people be aware of some of the most common myths that have been created, so that they would know which information on Creatine supplements they should believe or not.
Some myths surrounding Creatine supplements
One of the most common myths with regard to Creatine supplements is the belief that taking higher doses leads to better results. This has been proven to be wrong, as most studies have shown that small doses of Creatine supplements are enough to generate good results. Another common misconception is that Creatine supplements cause excessive water retention, which has also been proven to be untrue, as studies have also shown that these supplements do not cause a significant increase in body water. In relation to this, it is also a common misconception that Creatine supplements cause muscle cramping, which is also untrue because the cramps that people experience when they exercise is caused by dehydration.
Another common myth is that some people believe that all Creatine supplements are the same. This is very untrue, as there are Creatine supplements that have been proven to be of inferior quality as compared to other supplements. This is very true especially for the cheaper Creatine supplements in the market. Lastly and more importantly, people should also be aware that taking Creatine supplements is not 100% safe. This is because studies have shown that people with pre-existing kidney disorders who took Creatine supplement suffered from kidney inflammation.
There have been a lot of misconceptions and myths that have been created surrounding Creatine supplements. Unfortunately, this has made people get the wrong idea about Creatine supplements. Given this, people who are contemplating on taking Creatine supplements should also be aware of the myths surrounding these supplements so that they would know what to avoid and how they can properly manage their use of the supplements to achieve the best results.